To provide the best and finest quality food and beverage, and personal care products for people in order to improve their life and living quality. Good health, beauty, enjoyable life can be easily gets in their hands.

Chi Shing (Golden Coconut) Trading Co., Ltd. was established in 1991, is a leading marketing and distribution company for consumer goods in food and beverage, personal care sectors in the Hong Kong's Indonesian retail industry. Our products are imported from Asia Pacific and mainly come from Indonesia. We have acquired numbers of reputed brand products' sole distributorship and sell to the Indonesian retail channel in Hong Kong.
We have been being started to diversify our business scope to the Hong Kong domestic consumer market from 2011 by selecting the finest quality and well known brand products into Hong Kong supermarket and department chain network. The first exclusive product “Sosro Green Tea” is made by the biggest food and beverage manufacturer in Indonesia, “PT. SINAR SOSRO – CAKUNG”. It is officially launched on July 2011 with an integrated marketing strategy to the target customers.
Along with the continuing of business development, we strongly believe that human resources are one of the key successes of a company. Thus, we are striving to provide professional and related skill training for our employees in order to cater the best service and products to our suppliers and customers. And we are also embracing the Corporate Social Responsibility with our corporate spirit to the general public. |